Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg


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Julia Osterman


I am interested in the bee ecology, wild bee conservation and the essential contribution of bees to agriculture: pollination of crops. My aim is to get a better understanding how crop pollination can be integrated into farm management to attain sustainable yields for a growing human population and to ensure farmers` livelihood. For example, I investigate how the agricultural landscape (i.e. cultivation of oilseed rape) effects pollination of a co-flowering crop (apple, see Osterman et al., 2021). Also, I am interested into farmers` knowledge and perception of pollinators across the globe. By interviewing farmers, I aim to contribute to a better understanding of local and indigenous knowledge, to prevent further losses of bee diversity and abundances. Also, my research contributes to an understanding of how on-farm management (e.g. use of pesticides, floral strips, crop rotation) decisions alters bee abundances and diversity.


5. Osterman J., Theodorou P., Radzevičiūtė R., Schnitker P., Paxton R. J. (2021). Apple pollination is ensured by wild bees when honey bees are drawn away from orchards by a mass co-flowering crop. Agriculture, Ecosystem & Environment, In Press

4. Osterman W., Cornejo F., Osterman J. (2021). An Andean bear population hotspot in Northern Peru. URSUS, In Press

3. Theodorou, P., Herbst, S.-C., Kahnt, B., Landaverde-González, P., Baltz, L. M., Osterman, J., & Paxton, R. J. (2020). Urban fragmentation leads to lower floral diversity, with knock-on impacts on bee biodiversity. Scientific Reports 2020 10:1, 10(1), 1–11.

2. Osterman J., Wintermantel D., Locke B., Jonsson O., Semberg E., Onorati P., Forsgren E., Rosenkranz P., Rahbek-Pederson T., Bommarco R., Smith H. G., Rundlöf M., de Miranda J. R. (2019). Clothianidin seed-treatment has no detectable negative impact on honeybee colonies and their pathogens. Nature Communications, 10, 692.

1. Wintermantel D., Locke B., Andersson G. K. S., Semberg E., Forsgren E., Osterman J., Rahbek-Pederson T., Bommarco R., Smith H. G., Rundlöf M., de Miranda J. R. (2018). Field-level clothianidin exposure affects bumblebees but generally not their pathogens. Nature Communications, 9, 5446.

Public science articles

Osterman J. & Baltz L. M. (2021). Wildbienenlehrpfad BUGA Erfurt 2021.

Baltz L. M., Osterman J., Benton F., Theodorou P., Mrozek J., Paxton R. (2020). Was summt und brummt in deutschen Apfelanlangen. Obstbau, 12, pp. 694-698.

Osterman J. & Baltz L. M. (2020). Bienenschutz im Siedlungsbereich. Stadt+Grün, Oktober, pp. 49-52.

Osterman, J. & Wintermantel, D., 2019. Weniger Hummel-Königinnen durch Clothianidin. bienen&natur, 5, pp. 18-19.

Schönfeld, P. & Goss, J., 2014. Straßenbaumarten und ihre Ansprüche an den pH-Wert. PRO BAUM, 2, pp. 11-14.

Medien Berichterstattung

Mitteldeutsche Zeitung: Biologin untersucht Bestäubungsverhalten verschiedener Bienenarten. Artikel von Christine Färber vom 18.05.2020   .

Contribution to the blog "Agrardebatten"    of the University of Göttingen

Pressemitteilung: Feldversuch mit Neonicotinoiden: Honigbienen sind deutlich robuster als Hummeln

Goss, J.: Hummeln - unterschätze Bestäuber im Garten. MDR Garten. Sendung vom 07.06.2015   .


09/14 Best poster presentation at the ICPPR conference in Ghent

07/14 Helmut-Aurenz-Scholarship for financing a research project in Europe

11/13 Best poster presentation at the ELLS students’ conference in Vienna

09/13 Germany Scholarship financed by Karl Schlecht foundation

Gutachterin für

  • Biodiversity and Conservation
  • Agriculture, Ecosystem and Environment
  • Journal of Applied Entomology

Curriculum vitae

2017 - nowPh.D. student at the Martin Luther University Halle- Wittenberg, Institute of Biology, General Zoology
Thesis (in prep.): Integrating crop pollination into farm management: Opportunities for direct and indirect practices
2015 and 2018Parental leave
2015 - 2017Kaminsky Naturschutzplanung GmbH
2012 - 2014Master of Science: Environmental science – Soil, Water and Biodiversity at University of Hohenheim and Swedish University of Agricultural Science
Thesis: Neonicotinoids and Honey bee health
2009 - 2012Bachelor of Science: Environmental Science with minor subject hydrology at the Albert-Ludwigs University Freiburg

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