Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg


Raimon Cuxart Erruz

phone: +49 345 55 26389

room 2.02
Hoher Weg 8
06120 Halle (Saale)

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Raimon Cuxart Erruz

Raimon Cuxart Erruz

Raimon Cuxart Erruz

Research Interests

  • Macroecology & Macroevolution
  • Developmental Biology & EvoDevo
  • Vertebrate Biodiversity
  • Thermal Ecology



  • Cuxart-Erruz, R., Van Dooren, T. J., van der Geer, A. A., & Galis,  F. (2024). Increased incidences of cervical ribs in deer indicate  extinction risk. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 121(39), e2406670121.   


since 2024

PhD in the Animal Ecology Group, Institute for Biology, Martin‑Luther‑University Halle‑Wittenberg, Germany

Main  focus: Macroecological patterns on the thermal vulnerability of reproductive output: Fertility & Embryonic Development. Entity-relationship database building, curation and analysis in collaboration with the Special Topics Network “European Thermal Fertility Network” and the ShareTrait Initiative.

2022 - 2023

Research fellowship in the Vertebrate Evolution,  Development and  Ecology group, Naturalis Biodiversity Center, Leiden,  the Netherlands

Main project: “High incidence of cervical ribs indicates extinction  risk in inbred deer: On  Late Pleistocene giant deer, Père David deer  and extant outbred deer".  In collaboration with Frietson Galis, Tom van  Dooren & Alexandra van  der Geer.

2021 - 2022

Master’s Degree in Biodiversity: Conservation and  Evolution from  Valencia University. Specialty in Animal Biodiversity and  Conservation

Master's Degree Final Thesis: “Developmental  origins of the axial  organization in Pterosaurs”. Supervised by Prof.  Borja Figueirido  Castillo in Malaga University, Spain.

2017 - 2021

Bachelor’s Degree in General Biology from the Autonomus University of Barcelona.

Bachelor’s Degree Final Thesis: “Evolution of the  Functional  Morphology of the Lumbar Region in Tetrapods”. Supervised by  Prof.  Francesc Muñoz Muñoz in the Autonomus University of Barcelona.   
