Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg

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Cindy Übensee

Cindy Übensee

Cindy Übensee

20.01.2025: A new year, a new beginning and a renewed  welcome back to Cindy Übensee for her MSc "Projektstudie" and thesis as  well as Sarah Theermann for a "Forschungsgruppenpraktikum"

Sarah Theermann

Sarah Theermann

Sarah Theermann


Tabea RES award

Tabea RES award

Tabea RES award

16.12.2024: Good news and so proud for the ending year! Tabea won the Royal Entomological Society journals early career entomoligist award 2021-2023    for her first PhD paper Experimental viral spillover can harm Bombus terrestris workers under field conditions    in Ecological Entomology!

Bowling shoes

Bowling shoes

Bowling shoes

27.11.2024: Bowling night! with Pina, Emil, Nina, Hannah, Sarah, Cindy, Lukas and Baptiste (who get's at least high points for posture :). Thanks to everybody for contributing to the group this year!

Bowling group

Bowling group

Bowling group

Bowling Nina Hannah

Bowling Nina Hannah

Bowling Nina Hannah

Bowling Sarah Cindy

Bowling Sarah Cindy

Bowling Sarah Cindy

Bowling Baptiste

Bowling Baptiste

Bowling Baptiste




28.09.2024: A fun weekend in Poland with Baptiste Nezel for  a project on the ectoparasitic fungi Aegeritella on Formica ants with  members of Enikö Csatas Warsaw lab (Dani, Violette, Piotr, Tristan) and  Istvan Maaks Szeged lab (Bonita, Kata, Adam). Thanks for the invitation  Enikö!

Baptiste collecting

Baptiste collecting

Baptiste collecting

Welcome dinner

Welcome dinner

Welcome dinner




10.09.2024: Congratulations to Sarah Theermann for successfully defending her BSc-thesis!

IUSSI 2024

IUSSI 2024

IUSSI 2024

15.07.2024: What a nice European IUSSI meeting 2024    in Lausanne with Andreia, Anna, Baptiste, Mozhgan and Patrycja definitively also enjoying it.

Pina Brinker goodbye BBQ1

Pina Brinker goodbye BBQ1

Pina Brinker goodbye BBQ1

Pina Brinker goodbye BBQ2

Pina Brinker goodbye BBQ2

Pina Brinker goodbye BBQ2

AG Simon Tragust

AG Simon Tragust

AG Simon Tragust

Hannah Gaitzsch

Hannah Gaitzsch

Hannah Gaitzsch

19.06.2024: I am hopelessly out of date, but here comes a flood of news.

First,  congratulations to Celine Erdelen for successfully defending her BSc  thesis (and thanks to the nice pictures for Pina and myself!).

Then,  sad news. Pina's contract is unfortunately finished, but we took the  opportunity to have a wonderful Goodbye BBQ and to take a group picture.  Although lost to us, Pina will continue her academic journey in Berlin  at the Umweltbundesamt, a position (permanent, YEAH!!!) she will take up  in September.

Finally, the EMINENT collectors Hannah, Nina and Baptiste are back and Hannah will stick to the project two-fold, as a BSc candidate and as a student assistant. Welcome back!

Lyon Sightseeing

Lyon Sightseeing

Lyon Sightseeing

Lyon: Ant collecting

Lyon: Ant collecting

Lyon: Ant collecting

Lyon: Species identification

Lyon: Species identification

Lyon: Species identification

Lyon: Hannah enjoying a tart

Lyon: Hannah enjoying a tart

Lyon: Hannah enjoying a tart

Lyon: Nina enjoying a flan

Lyon: Nina enjoying a flan

Lyon: Nina enjoying a flan

Lyon: Baptiste enjoying a snack

Lyon: Baptiste enjoying a snack

Lyon: Baptiste enjoying a snack

08.04.2024:  A good start into Baptiste's collection trip to Lyon together with Nina  and Hannah as student assistants and Daisy as Master I, with a little  bit of sightseeing, a lot of ant collecting and species identification,  but also snacks at the end of the day. Keep on with the good work!

Sarah Theermann

Sarah Theermann

Sarah Theermann

19.02.2024: Welcome to  Sarah Theermann, who is first doing her Projektstudie and then her  BSc-thesis in our group on the venom gland of formicine ants

15.01.2024: The heat is on for Johanna's and Clara's "Jugend forscht"    project "Mit den Fühlern im Ethanol: Eine Untersuchung der Auswirkungen von Drogen auf Ameisen". Fingers crossed!

Baptiste Nezel arrival in Halle

Baptiste Nezel arrival in Halle

Baptiste Nezel arrival in Halle

09.01.2024: Welcome to Baptiste who has finally arrived in Halle to start his EMINENT endeavour!


Cindy Übensee BSc defence

Cindy Übensee BSc defence

Cindy Übensee BSc defence

23.11.2023: Congratulation to Cindy Übensee for successfully defending her BSc-thesis today and thanks to Céline Erdelen for bringing a beautiful cake for the occasion.

Roscoff Jaques-Monod conference

Roscoff Jaques-Monod conference

Roscoff Jaques-Monod conference

Roscoff group picture

Roscoff group picture

Roscoff group picture

Trabea Streicher presenting her poster

Trabea Streicher presenting her poster

Trabea Streicher presenting her poster

Me explaining my poster

Me explaining my poster

Me explaining my poster

13.11.2023: I completely forgot, but now I even have some pictures to share. Tabea and I presented our work as posters at a superinteresting and nice Jaques-Monod conference "A matter of scale: Within-host and between-host processes drivin coevolution with parasites" in beautiful Roscoff.

Céline Redelen

Céline Redelen

Céline Redelen

09.10.2023: Welcome to Céline Erdelen! Céline started her "Projektstudie" and will then do her BSc-Thesis with Pina on the influence of the gut microbiota on viral spill over in bumblebees

28.09.2023: What a nice Central European IUSSI meeting 2023    last week in Cluj-Napoca. Fantastic location, great presentations and wonderful organization. Thanks to Bálint Markó and his team for the organization. As a new steering committee member and web page responsible I will do my best!

15.08.2023: Welcome to  Nico Hoffschlaeger! Nico will do his work for a teacher's degree in our  lab, carrying on the work of Nina and Emil: the detoxification of  secondary plant compounds through formic acid.

Nico Hoffschläger

Nico Hoffschläger

Nico Hoffschläger

18.07.2023: Pina and her BSc student Cindy together with other General Zoology  department members hard at work to collect honey from our hives. Thanks  for this delicious effort!

28.07.2023: Congratulations to Pina, for her interview with Science    on how squash bug young locate a critical bacterium, a recent publication in Current Biology   . You can check out the interview here: doi: 10.   1126/science.   adj4665   

25.05.2023: Congratulation to  Emil, Nina and Sally for successfully defending their BSc-theses. Super  proud of them all for having done such a good job!

Cindy Übensee

Cindy Übensee

02.05.2023: Welcome to  Cindy Übensee! Cindy is currently doing her "Projectstudie" with Pina  on gut microbiota establishment in bumblebees and will then go along to  do her BSc-thesis on the role of the gut microbiota in proctecting  honeybees from viral infection.

Adria LeBoeuf visit

Adria LeBoeuf visit

Adria LeBoeuf visit

10.02.2023: What a nice visit to Adria LeBoeuf's social fluid lab    in Fribourg with Lukas to present his work and to get some more Camponotus samples

Present from the gardeners of the Botanical Garden Jena

Present from the gardeners of the Botanical Garden Jena

Present from the gardeners of the Botanical Garden Jena

24.01.2023: What a nice present from the gardeners of the Botanical Garden in Jena    after having been invited to give them a talk about the invasive Garden ant Lasius neglectus in their garden.

Lukas on collection trip to Münster

Lukas on collection trip to Münster

Lukas on collection trip to Münster

10.01.2023: A quick trip to the Molecular Evolution and Sociobiology Group    of Jürgen Gadau in Münster with Lukas. Guess I never was that quick and successful in "collecting" ants.

09.01.2023: A happy new year! What a year ending: first a DFG project was granted (EMINENT: Consequences of an EMerging parasite on an INvasivE aNT in Europe; stay tuned!) and then the university building with my office got flooded. Looks like a fun 2023!


Christmas party preparations

Christmas party preparations

Christmas party 2022

Christmas party 2022

09.12.2022: Christmas party 2022! Finally again in it's old glory and with Pina and Andreia preparing a special treat

Writers camp

Writers camp

Fauler Ort

Fauler Ort

29.10.2022: First ever general zoology writers camp at the field station Fauler Ort, with Tabea, Andreia, Patrycja, Lucie, Christopher, Sara and myself




17.09.2022: What an honor and supernice oppurtunity to give the introductory talk for Evelyn Bracklow's art project Antology    in Dortmund in the rooms of the Frappanz Kollektiv   . Check it out and stay tuned.

Emil Cyranka

Emil Cyranka

Sally-Luise Volland

Sally-Luise Volland

14.09.2022: After a supernice week in Berlin at the Ecological Immunology Workshop 2022   , our group welcomes Sally-Luise  Volland that started her BSc work on establishing a pH measurement  system to track the use of formicine venom gland secretions in realtime  and our group also welcomes   Emil Cyranka that will together with Nina Schäffner elucidate the  potential of formicine ant venoms to detoxify plant alkaloids in his BSc  work.

29.08.2022: Welcome  to Nina Schäffner that started her BSc work in our lab elucidating the  potential of formicine ant venoms to detoxify plant alkaloids.

L. neglectus sampling in Jena

L. neglectus sampling in Jena

L. neglectus sampling in Jena

06.07.2022: A fun afternoon in Jena with Pina and Lukas. First sampling L. neglectus in the botanical garden and then handing over samples while enjoying a  beer with our collaborators Adrian Richter    and Kenny Jandausch   .

Pina Brinker

Pina Brinker

01.06.2022: Welcome to Pina Brinker who just started today in our group!

Tim Kaufmann

Tim Kaufmann

12.04.2022: Congratulations to Tim Kaufmann for successfully defending his BSc-Thesis: Potential detoxification of the plant alkaloid cytisin by the ant Camponotus nicobarensis via poison gland secretions

25.02.2022: Research funding of the Ethologische Gesellschaft e.    V.    awarded: Towards automatic tracking of sanitary behaviours involving antimicrobial compounds in space and time
